Application Deployment through AKS Cluster
The Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) makes it easier to install a managed Kubernetes cluster on Azure. Azure manages crucial duties like health monitoring and maintenance as a hosted Kubernetes service. A control plane is automatically established and set up when you create an AKS cluster. As a managed Azure resource that is hidden from the user, this control plane is offered free of charge. Only the nodes connected to the AKS cluster are managed and cost by you.
You can easily install and manage clusters with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), a managed Kubernetes service.
Step by step:
1 Sign in Azure portal & Create a Kubernetes cluster
Location: East us3
- Along with resource group, we can find other services like: -NSG, Virtual Network, VM scale set, Load Balancer etc.
2. Connect to Cluster:
3. Open Powershell:
AZlogin & then
“az account set --subscription d12cf1ce-30e8-4d30-ba96-58cd1b11bf53”
Get Credentials:
“az aks get-credentials --resource-group AKS-RG --name MYAKS”
4. Deploy the Yaml file
“Kubectl apply –f vooting.yaml”
You can find 2 front end Deployments & 2back end Services
5. Get the services - “Kubectl get services”
Take the public IP address and test it
6. Paste on a new tab:
With the help of AKS, we can deploy our applications easily, and when we delete one, front-end or back-end pods will automatically construct.
Thank you!
Hope this was helpful to you.